November 22, 1963 “The President Is Dead” Pierre E. G. Salinger | Oliver S. Hallett JFK Assassination
January 6, 1964 “Never Felt Better in My Life” Lyndon B. Johnson | Walker Stone Presidential Transition
January 8, 1964 “Finest Advertisement He Could Give Me” Lyndon B. Johnson | Thomas G. Corcoran Election of 1964
January 23, 1964 “Can’t You Help Me” Lyndon B. Johnson | R. Vance Hartke | Abraham A. "Abe" Ribicoff 1964 Tax Cut, Johnson Treatment
January 28, 1964 “This Is What We Stand For” Lyndon B. Johnson | Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. Party Politics
June 15, 1964 “Y’all Can’t Keep a Secret” Lyndon B. Johnson | Jack Valenti | Floyd Boring Presidential Security
June 23, 1964 “You’re a Hard Bargainer” Lyndon B. Johnson | Everett M. Dirksen Bipartisanship, Johnson Treatment
August 7, 1964 “Keep the Boys That Should Be Sober, Sober” Lyndon B. Johnson | Lawrence F. "Larry" O'Brien Jr. Congress, Economic Opportunity Act
August 25, 1964 “I Do Not Believe I Can” Lyndon B. Johnson | Walter W. Jenkins Election of 1964, LBJ Health
August 25, 1964 “That’s What the Democratic Party’s For” Lyndon B. Johnson | Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. | Walter P. Reuther Election of 1964, Party Politics
September 9, 1964 “They Can’t Argue with Themselves” Lyndon B. Johnson | W. Willard "Bill" Wirtz Jr. Election of 1964
October 1, 1964 “That Wasn’t What Killed Kennedy” Lyndon B. Johnson | Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. Election of 1964, Presidential Security
October 23, 1964 “I Think He Ought to Be Institutionalized” Lyndon B. Johnson | J. Edgar Hoover Walter Jenkins
November 3, 1964 “I’m Aching All Over” Lyndon B. Johnson | Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. Election of 1964, LBJ Health
November 4, 1964 “We’ve Got to Build That Up” Lyndon B. Johnson | Edwin L. "Eddie" Weisl Sr. Election of 1964, Media
November 4, 1964 “I’m Just So Honored” Lyndon B. Johnson | Harry S. Truman Greetings, Harry S. Truman
November 4, 1964 “We Got to Try to Unite the Country” Lyndon B. Johnson | Everett M. Dirksen Congress, Bipartisanship
November 4, 1964 “A Passion for Anonymity” Lyndon B. Johnson | McGeorge "Mac" Bundy | Bill Moyers Appointments, Clark M. Clifford
November 4, 1964 “He’d Have Been Beat” Lyndon B. Johnson | McGeorge "Mac" Bundy | Bill Moyers Election of 1964, RFK
November 16, 1964 “Put Some Better People on Your Team” Lyndon B. Johnson | George E. Reedy Appointments, Media
January 25, 1966 “It Doesn’t Bother Me One Bit” Lyndon B. Johnson | Dwight D. Eisenhower Appointments
February 22, 1966 “What I’m Really Worrying About” Lyndon B. Johnson | McGeorge "Mac" Bundy Appointments, Media
December 5, 1966 “It’s Just So Unfair” Lyndon B. Johnson | Nicholas deB. "Nick" Katzenbach JFK Assassination
February 7, 1967 “It’s for the Economy” Lyndon B. Johnson | Gerald R. "Jerry" Ford Jr. Highways, Bipartisanship
March 24, 1968 "I'm Not Master of a Damn Thing" Lyndon B. Johnson | Henry H. "Joe" Fowler Election of 1968
March 31, 1968 “Our Friendship Was Never Severed” Lyndon B. Johnson | Lady Bird Johnson | Abigail Q. McCarthy Election of 1968
August 29, 1968 “The Vice Presidency Is an Impossible Job” Lyndon B. Johnson | Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. Election of 1968
November 6, 1968 “We’ve Been in Tears” Lyndon B. Johnson | Hubert H. Humphrey Jr. | Muriel Fay Humphrey | Lady Bird Johnson Election of 1968
November 14, 1968 “There’s No Arrangement“ Lyndon B. Johnson | Bryce N. Harlow Election of 1968, Presidential Transition
December 25, 1968 “We’re Just So Fond of You” Lyndon B. Johnson | Lady Bird Johnson | Elizabeth V. "Bess" Truman | Harry S. Truman Greetings, Harry S. Truman