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Photo credit: Yoichi Okamoto


This website provides access to a curated set of the audio recordings made by President Lyndon B. Johnson during his time in the White House. This page describes the site's search and organizational tools and offers help on how to use them. Please feel free to submit questions about any aspect of this site via the Contact Us page.

Subject Browsing

Scholars and staff at the University of Virginia's Miller Center of Public Affairs and the LBJ Library created a set of subject areas enumerating the high-level themes evident on the Johnson tapes. Each conversation on has been situated within at least one of these areas. Subject tagging allows visitors to focus their discovery on specific topics of interest, such as the War on Poverty or Civil Rights. Visitors can access these topics and their associated conversations via the Browse Conversations page.

Searching for Conversations

The site also features a more advanced Search Conversations page, which allows users to find a subset of the collection based upon a chosen Subject, Conversation Date, and Speaker Name. Each filter is flexible in unique ways and help on how to use them is available at the top of the Search Conversations page.

Site Search

A search window is available on the navigation bar at the top of each page (the button looks like a magnifying glass). This search bar provides full-text search of all conversation titles and introductions, as well as all speaker (i.e., people) pages on the site. The site search engine uses standard operators. For instance, quotes around a query prompts the return of documents containing your exact query term. Boolean operators AND and OR are also available.